Sunday, September 9, 2012

Silent Angel

A rusty, black-striped wolf strode into dawn's light, out of the hidden caves nearby. The early breeze ruffled the reeds below her, the river's soft currents lulling the morning awake. The wolf strode quietly down the path towards the stream. Then, she saw it. Nestled in the green bulrushes was a tiny basket, with a tiny mound of rusty fur just like hers. The wolf waded into the river, dragging the basket up onto the shore. The tiny lump rose it's head, weary and tired. "Hello there, little one." The wolf whispered softly. "My name is Crunchy. You seem lost, dear - what's your name?" The little wolf stared up at her. "Infinity."

The Magma River - Part 2

The flame-pelted wolf's tiny head appeared over the rim of the basket, floating and swirling down the river of lava. She slowly scanned her burning valley, confused, the flickering firelight dancing and shining in her brown eyes. Suddenly, the tiny kit caught sight of her parents, standing solemnly on the edge of the river. Her father, unable to look, stumbled away. The tiny kit's mother stared at her, mouthing unreadable, silent words. The kit barked, squealing at her mother. The wolf stared at her paws and dashed off into the fire. This left the poor stranded kit wailing in the dark, with only the river to decide it's fate.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Magma River

"But we can't do it!" Fire swirled through the valley as thick lava poured out of the volcano far away. Rivers of magma trailed through the chaos as wolves fled to safety, scrambling every which where. "We have to!" Two wolves, new parents, spluttered to each other, arguing over the rising of the flames. between them lay a tiny basket, next to a stream of lava. "Who knows what will happen? We can't let her go!" The father spluttered, panicking. "You can't do this any more than I can. I.... I have a feeling.... She will be safe... I know she will..." The mother stared at the father sympathetically, exchanging baskets. Fire shimmering on her rusty pelt, the mother picked up the basket, setting it sadly into the lava. The swirling, thick current whisked the basket slowly away, the two wolves gazing and gazing at it. Curled in that tiny basket was a lump of fur, the color of the flickering flame itself. Jagged black striped etched down her body. She floated in her tiny basket, over the horizon. Only fate itself would take the newborn somewhere.... the question was - where would it take her?