Sunday, September 9, 2012

Silent Angel

A rusty, black-striped wolf strode into dawn's light, out of the hidden caves nearby. The early breeze ruffled the reeds below her, the river's soft currents lulling the morning awake. The wolf strode quietly down the path towards the stream. Then, she saw it. Nestled in the green bulrushes was a tiny basket, with a tiny mound of rusty fur just like hers. The wolf waded into the river, dragging the basket up onto the shore. The tiny lump rose it's head, weary and tired. "Hello there, little one." The wolf whispered softly. "My name is Crunchy. You seem lost, dear - what's your name?" The little wolf stared up at her. "Infinity."


  1. Wow. Scary. What's going to happen to Infinity?!!?!?


    P.S Please put a followers gadget then I could follow the blog and keep an eye on new stuff!
